Donate to Soulfree and provide rehabilitation to women with spinal cord injury. Help them build their vocational skills so they can return to the society as financially independent individuals.
What is Soulfree?
Soulfree is a public charitable trust, working from 2013 to ensure that the invisibles of India – perhaps its true untouchables – women and men with severe disabilities have a chance at leading a life of dignity and purpose.
It is perhaps one of the few trusts in India that is made:
- Of the PositivelyAbled: Our founder is a quadriplegic and the trust was founded after two paraplegic women she personally knew were forced to commit suicide by their own families.
- By the PositivelyAbled: As much as possible, we wish to give first priority in our internal employment process to the PositivelyAbled and other members of marginalized segments of society.
- For the PositivelyAbled: Our only goal is to ensure that no one is forced to commit suicide due to a physical condition they have no control over.
What is their vision?
To improve the quality-of-life of persons living with permanent paralysis due to Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) in India, with a special focus on women, children and those living below the line of poverty.
What is their mission?
To provide Improved opportunities in medical rehabilitation, education, employment, entrepreneurship, sports and social reintegration.
What is the on-going project for which we are seeking help?
To create India’s first INSPIRE (INtegrated SPInal REhabilitation) Centre that will empower those with SCI to become as independent as possible through an individualised, holistic treatment program.
- LOCATION: Old General Hospital Compound, Thiruvannamalai
- SIZE: 20,000 ft²
- CAPACITY: 60- 70 Residents at full capacity
- TARGET: Women and men with spinal cord injuries with a special focus on those living below the line of poverty
- DEPARTMENTS: Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Counselling, Traditional Medical Systems (Ayurveda, Siddha, Homeopathy etc), Dental, Yoga and meditation, Arts, Music, Sports, Vocational Rehabilitation and Literacy training