Bhoomika Trust
Bhoomika Trust was setup in February 2001 with disaster relief and rehabilitation as its primary focus. They have worked extensively with victims of natural disasters like the earthquake in Gujarat and the tsunami in South India. They also work towards supporting the educational needs of underprivileged individuals. The Governor of TamilNadu presented the Florence Nightingale Silver Rolling Trophy (2005-2006) to Bhoomika Trust for their excellent work.
True Gifts
Have you wanted to give a meaningful gift to a special person in your life but couldn’t find the right present? Trying to find the perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or special occasion? Worried that they may not like it, already have it, or don’t need it? True Gifts has the solution. Make that special person’s day while touching the lives of others. It’s the ideal gift! True Gifts is operated by Bhoomika Trust, effectively linking your contributions with program needs at various NGOs, providing you the satisfaction of knowing where your funds have been used, while adding an additional stream of revenue for NGOs.
I wanna learn (powered by Altius Foundation)
Altius Foundation is a non-profit organization, passionate about education and seeks to transform learning. Through our collaborative projects, we have been able to reach out to numerous schools for underprivileged children and implement our innovative learning activities. Our projects aim to revolutionize learning and we believe in learning systems that empower the learner, irrespective of age. We are always on the lookout for new and exciting learning methods to incorporate in all our projects. We make learning simple, fun and accessible!
The CHILD organization was initiated in 2005 to offer protection to children who were stigmatized and burdened by the fact that they are from families with HIV/AIDS or abandoned children or destitute children. This project provides a home like environment with complete emotional and psychological support besides nurturing the talents within each child. Now we have 22 children at CHILD home who are being supported by financial aid for their education and also being supported in meeting their other basic amenities.
Jeevan Stem Cell Foundation
Jeevan was established in 1995 as the first 100% component blood bank in India. Jeevan was the first blood bank to be certified to ISO 9000 standards in 1999. It is also the first blood bank to be accredited by NABH in South India. They have a blood storage center established within Sundaram Medical Foundation. As a Public Cord Blood Bank, Jeevan has tested and stored 6,055 units of transplantable stem cell units out of 14,094 donations and made available 13 units of stem cell units for transplantation. In 2011 Jeevan released the first stem cell unit for treatment of a 5 years old boy. They collaborate with Be The Cure Registry to enable quick and affordable access to matching stem cells for Indians (adults and children) with blood cancers and Thalassemia. Jeevan is recognized by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO). Jeevan is also accredited by NABL and European Federation for Immunogenetics (EFI). In 2019 Jeevan released the first Stem Cell Unit for a transplant centre outside India.
The Schizophrenia Research Foundation, better known as SCARF India is a non- governmental, not for profit organization located in Chennai, India. Since its inception in 1984, SCARF has been committed to mental health care and research and is a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO) for mental health research and training. SCARF runs an active out patient clinic with around 120 patients everyday, has three residential centers with an inpatient strength of about 140, a day care program for about 100 patients everyday. SCARF’s work in Community Mental Health is well recognized and we have pioneered the use of mobile tele psychiatry, the first of its kind in the country. Governed by a distinguished Board of Management, integrity and credibility are at a premium at SCARF. We are almost entirely dependent on public funding. Click here to find out how you can help SCARF India.
This one-of-a-kind rehabilitation centre, registered in 2013 as a public charitable trust, will provide a holistic, state-of-the-art healing program that will enable a person to completely adapt to a new lifestyle after a major accident. The patient will receive every facet of treatment required for the transition, from the point of leaving the hospital to getting back to life at home that is as close to “confident and independent” as possible. An intensive and unique treatment plan will be created by the medical team to ensure that overall healing happens, ensuring smooth re-entry into the world. Their focus is spinal cord injury, especially women and those living below the poverty line. Click here to find out how you can help Soulfree.
DEAN Foundation
Founded in 1998, DEAN Foundation is a Hospice and Palliative Care Centre focused on giving multifaceted care and support to those facing life-threatening illness. They cater to that vulnerable, marginalized section of society that cannot speak or defend for themselves – mainly the destitute, the homeless and afflicted women and children; those living below the poverty line will receive priority of admission and free treatment. They care for those suffering from terminal, irreversible advanced, incurable – both malignant and non-malignant diseases like Cancer, AIDS, etc. in the city and surrounding districts of Chennai, Kanchipuram Block and Karamadai Block, Coimbatore, in the State of Tamil Nadu, India, with no access to Palliative Care. Click here to find out how you can help DEAN Foundation.
Youth Empowerment and Development through Sport (YEDS)
Livingstone is faced with a growing number of problems especially among the youth and women due to a number of factors. These problems include drug and alcohol abuse, crime, homelessness, prostitution and a high rise in HIV infections which all result from lack of education and recreational activities. Unemployment is also high among the youth and women in the communities. In response to this problem, YEDS would like to establish youth sports and life skills training center. YEDS is dedicated to promoting education, life skills training, entrepreneurship and providing recreation for the welfare of young people & women in Livingstone and surrounding rural areas. Education is the key to a better future, sport has the power to change the world.